Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Men vs Boy (Pria vs Cowok)

men versus boys
title of the article Men vs. Boys. There is really no difference between the two. because both male sex. But because it's so funny and made ​​more gokil, so both are very different ..
Please read, Men vs. Boys
m: out clearly in five years so what
b: do not clear the five minutes he was willing to do anything

m: good at making women feel calm
b: good to make a girl feel good

m: reading John Grisham, the game of golf tontonannya CNN
b: reading Harry Potter, pool toys, tontonannya MTV

m: before age 30 had a lot of money
b: before age 30 had a lot of sins

m: the balance between revenue and income.
b: balance between debt and minimum payments

m: to support the emancipation of women, but women still pay for food
b: to support the emancipation of women by allowing women to pay their own

m: have accountants, and doctors panjahit subscriptions
b: a salon, cafe and shop subscriptions

m: ask your mama if chipped chat call
b: to pretend you're not with him when his mother called

m: break up with her ​​partner to shake hands and acknowledge the difficulty of bridging the differences between the two, accompanied by the words, "we are face-to-be friends forever"
b: break up with her ​​partner as he ran away from home, smoke-trunk trunked by saying, "do not invite me in your wedding"

m: love the woman's 10% increase in the initial meeting and so on
b: to love her 100% and decreased at the initial meeting onwards

m: think like an adult 40 years of age when the age of 17 years
b: childish to think like a man aged 17 years while the age of 40 years

m: to win with a brain in a conflict
b: can only go ballistic, quarrels and fights muscle if the conflict

m: he say "I still lack knowledge and need to learn"
b: he say "I am the most powerful on earth, and will I face"

Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

Time Travel

Pared ALL SKULLS!   
     Time Travel, or traveling through time, is something that is considered to be science fiction today. A lot of films that explore the topic of time machines, for example, Back to the future.Terminator, Timeline, Time Machine, Frequency, Heroes, Lost.The 4400, dll.Yang strange, the concept of time in some of this film is different!!!      The definition of time travel is this: we (the material) or information sent by a device called a time machine so we jumped into the depan.atau back into the past. So our lives are likely to advance towards the future is not to say time travel.Suppose you set off from Jakarta with MACH2 supersonic aircraft at 5 pm and you get to the Irian Jaya a few minutes later and when there was 7:13 o'clock in the evening. This is not time travel, just the time difference in longitude of two places is different. If you get in Irian Jaya and suddenly the time is over 5 years, well, it's new time travel.      But if time travel is possible according to physics? Newton physicists say no, because the time for the Isaac Newton is like an arrow that was fired. He drove in the direction and tetap.Jam beating as fast as elsewhere in the universe. Then came Mr. Albert Einstein proved that Newton apparently was wrong. Einstein said that time flows like water in the river. He can be accelerated, slowed, and sometimes it comes down in one place, sometimes even forked river. Physics that Einstein was impressed by this crazy possibility of time travel. 
The reason why time travel is impossible.      But many great scientists who think time travel is not possible / should not happen. Stephen Hawking, for example. He is a genius who does not believe in time travel, he kept trying to prove that time travel is impossible. Surprisingly, to date, no law of physics that forbids time travel. Time travel is possible!      And Stephen Hawking released a very popular question, which aims to silence those who are obsessed with making a time machine. He says this:      "If there's a time machine, time travel and it can be created, why we have not come across tourists who come from the future? Should turis2 now been flooded today, comes from the future to take photos and so on. Why is not there one?"
Paradoxes      Then there are also several paradoxes that seem impossible to make time travel: 

Grandfather Paradox      This paradox is most famous. Here's the point: Suppose you go back in time and kill your grandfather, your father then had never been born, and consequently you never existed. If you do not exist, how can you go back in time and killing it?

Information Paradox      For example, you find yourself back in the past and give a secret time machine to make you younger. The younger you then use the secret to building a time machine and then use the time machine to go back to visit you and give it a secret time machine. This is paradoxical because of where the original information (the secret time machine) come from?      Examples of information paradox we see in the film Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, when Harry Potter returned to the past and managed to make a Patronus spell when he previously could not afford. When asked why he could make it, he says, I can this time because I've made. Not make sense? Haha ..

Bilker's Paradox 
     For example, you use the machine to the time of the future, and in the future you see yourself married to a girl who namanyajane. Then you go back to the present and even to marry another girl whose name is Cindy, the future has changed and the question, why in the future which at first I could marry Jane?

Sexual Paradox      Paradox is more puzzling. You return to the past and met your mother when she was a teenager. You fall in love and eventually married and had anak.Anak Is that you? Could your father-i to yourself? It can be seen in the film Back To The Future, where Marty back to the past and meet his mother who then falls in love with him.
 Sexual example of which is more strange paradox is like this: 
     A novel Janus Equation G Spruill's work, a scientist who met a very pretty girl and they fall in love and married. After a while, it turns out that scientists know if she had plastic surgery and genital surgery and he is actually male. In fact it turns out she is the scientists themselves who come from the future. This means he is in touch with himself. We wonder, what if they have children, and let this child go back to the past and become a scientist and start all over again, would you be a father, mother and child as well?      So, can you see if opening a lot of the impossibility of time travel, paradoxes. You can change history just by doing something simple (effeck butterfly). Suppose you go back to the time of the dinosaurs and accidentally step on an insect that would become the ancestors of humans. Then you will become extinct and never be born.      In fact, according to quantum mechanics, the motion of an electron alone can change everything in this world. Once the seriousness of the implications of time travel, so many people who say time travel is impossible. 

Whay Travel Time possible reasons (the solution of the paradox above)      Believe it or not, all paradox and Hawking above questions can be solved. In fact, there are two solutions: 1. Everything is already written. Perhaps when you return to the past and met with the younger you are, you already see yourself older at the time. This prevents the natural and happens to be a paradox. You can try to kill your grandfather, but you will fail in every experiment. When you are old and later, your grandfather will tell you that there used to be people who try to kill him. In this scenario, we as humans do not have "free will" again. Everything is set up. We only fulfill our destiny in this universe. Steady right? In this scenario, all jaradox impossible. If your father's not you, so when you return to the past and intend to marry your mother, you will not succeed...

.      Examples of this scenario there in film Harry Potter and the p'risoner of Azkaban, when Hermione saw someone throw a stone into Hagrid's hut, he then realized, that is ang throw the stone, then he did it to meet the destiny. TV Lost in the season series to-5 also uses the concept of time like this. All that has happened. already occurred. Another film that uses this concept eg Frequency, Timeline, Crime Time, Harry Potter, Etc
2. Parallel Universe.      This is the ultimate solution but it seems most likely curious as scientific, because the solution is in accordance with the laws of quantum mechanics.      This solution if every time you say to the past, you go into the alternate universe, a new world that is similar to our world, but there's just the difference you are coming from the future. So in this world if you kill your father, then you kill the people who have a genetic relationship with you, but it's not your father. In a world where your father died, you'd never been born, but in the world you come from, your father is still alive so that you also exist.      All paradoxes become paralyzed if indeed this concept of time. Hawking's question was answered already. There are no tourists from the future as they all entered the parralel universe. The film is an example of embracing the concept of the Terminator, Back to the Future, etc So, Time Travel is possible, I personally believe in the theory of parallel Universe

Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Rahasia Kehidupan

Pentingnya Bersyukur
Seorang anak bertanya kepada ibunya:
“Mak, mengapa kita miskin mak ?”
Ibu anak itu berkata: 

Hidup ini seperti jalan-jalan di dalam Supermarket.
Siapa yang membawa tiga coklat, ia akan membayar 3 coklat. Siapa yang hanya dapat satu coklat, ia membayar satu coklat 

Orang miskin tidak kebagian coklat itu nak. Sebab itu di pintu kasir ia tidak diperiksa. 

Orang miskin nanti, akan cepat pemeriksaannya di hari kiamat Sedangkan orang kaya, akan lambat pemeriksaannya. 
“Tetapi ingatlah”. 
Dan apabila kami beri nikmat kepada manusia
Ia berpaling, ia jauhkan dirinya
Dan apabila kejahatan mengenai dia, adalah ia orang yang sangat putus asa
(Al-Quran, surat Al-Isra’, ke 17 ayat 83)
Maka apabila bahaya mengenai manusia, ia seru kami
Kemudian apabila kami beri kepadanya satu nikmat dari kami,
Ia berkata: “Sesungguhnya apa yang diberikan kepada ku, lantaran kepintaran ku”.
Bahkan nikmat itu satu percobaan, tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak mengetahui
(Al-Quran, surat Az-Zumar, ke 39 ayat 49) 

Manusia tidak jemu minta kebaikan.
Tetapi jika kesusahan mengenai dia
Maka ia putus asa putus harapan
(Al-Quran, surat Fush-Shilat, ke 41 ayat 49)
Apabila kami beri nikmat atas manusia
Ia berpaling dan menjauhkan diri
Tetapi apabila menggenai dia kesusahan, maka ia mempunyai permintaan yang panjang.
(Al-Quran, surat Fush-Shilat, ke 41 ayat 51)

“Jadi apa rahasia kehidupan itu”, kata anak itu kepada ibunya
Kata ibunya: “Rahasia Kehidupan yang pertama, “kita harus selalu bersyukur” Tidak membuang waktu. Kerjakan suatu pekerjaan setelah selesai satu pekerjaan”. “Tidak ada istilah bersantai dalam hidup ini”. “Mereka yang bergerak, merekalah yang maju ke muka.

“Mungkinkah kita bisa jadi orang kaya bu, lanjut anak itu di dalam hati”
Ibu itu berdo’a dalam hatinya :”Ya Allah, keluarkanlah kami dari lilitan kemiskinan ini, kuatkanlah iman kami, dan sejahterakanlah anak cucu kami dunia dan akhirat.”
Dialah Yang menjadikan kamu khalifah di bumi,dan mengangkat derajat sebagian dari kamu atas sebagaian untuk Dia menguji kamu tentang apa yang Dia telah datangkan kepada kamu. Sesungguhnya Tuhanmu lekas siksaan-Nya, tetapi Dia Pengampun Yang Maha teliti. (006,165) 

Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Work Online ( Pekerjaan Secara Online )

                                                              Yang berbasis Indonesia Di Bawah
Here I will give you a way to make money one is a Proper PTC program ...

What is PTC?

PTC stands for Paid To Click, which means we do get paid for clicks. So the PTC program is a program that asks you to click on ads that link has been provided by the PTC organizers and in return is that we'll get the money to be transferred to paypal or alertpay account.

Money you receive is not lawful money of fraud or theft ...

 Where will the money that we can?

The money used to pay our tuk PTC PTC is obtained by the organizers of the individual or company that places ads in this PTC program.

 And for your viewing pleasure=>
I give you a one click PTC that can reach up to $ 10...

but in a day were given only 5 links to the click ...
and it was not an issue if we are patient ...

ok!!! first step that you have to do is enter this program at here

> Click register

> After the form is available

> After register then you will be asked to log in first

> After login you will enter your account page

lha! this is a long-awaited

> To make money, right-click on the table there is the option earnings area

> After that click paid to click ads

> You will be entered on the page that contained approximately 5 sponsor links

> Remember! you have one by one for each link to click

> Every link there is a duration of 30 seconds and you will be given a verification code

> After click tab above code then it will lose the money already received his mark

> Then you can close the tab that you click on Lingk previous

> And return to the previous page and do it repeatedly until the link is available out

for those who do not understand please post your comment thanks ......

Disini saya akan memberi anda jalan untuk mencari uang yang salah satunya menggunakan program Proper PTC...

Apa itu PTC???
PTC itu singkatan dari Paid To Click yang artinya dibayar karena kita melakukan klik. Jadi program PTC itu adalah program yang meminta kita melakukan klik pada link iklan-iklan yang telah disediakan oleh penyelenggara PTC dan sebagai imbalannya adalah kita kan mendapatkan uang yang akan ditransfer ke rekening paypal atau alertpay.

Uang yang anda terima adalah uang halal bukan dari penipuan atau mencuri...

Dari mana uang yang kita dapat???
Uang yang dipakai tuk membayar kita di program PTC ini didapat oleh penyelenggara PTC dari individu atau perusahaan yang menempatkan iklannya di program PTC ini.

Dan untuk memudahkan anda =>

Saya memberi anda sebuah PTC yang satu click bisa mencapai hingga 10 $
tetapi dalam satu hari hanya diberi 5 link untuk di click ...
dan itu bukan maslah jika kita bersabar...

baik!!! langkah pertama yang anda lakukan adalah masuki program terebut at here (KlikK)

>  dan click register

> setelah isi formulir yang tersedia
> setelah melakukan register maka anda akan disuruh untuk login terlebih dahulu
> setelah login anda akan memasuki halaman account 
lha !! inilah saat yang ditunggu-tunggu
> untuk mencari uang, click pada tabel kanan terdapat option earnings area
> setelah itu click paid to click ads
> anda akan masuk pada halaman yang terdapat kurang lebih 5 sponsor link
> Ingat!!! anda harus satu persatu untuk mengeclick tiap link
> setiap link terdapat durasi 30 detik dan anda akan diberi kode verifikasi
> setelah mengclick kode maka tab diatas akan hilang itu tandanya uang sudah diterima
> kemudian anda juga bisa menutup tab pada lingk yang anda click sebelumnya
> dan kembali pada halaman sebelumnya dan lakukan berulang hingga link yang tersedia habis

ingat!!! click satu persatu pada link yang tersedia

ok selamat mencoba....

bagi yang belum mengerti silahkan poskan komentar anda terimakasih......

Kamis, 09 Februari 2012

Guitar Pro

Yang Berbasis Indonesia di Bawah
one way to improve your skills in playing the guitar even for a beginner you can learn it quickly by using guitar pro ...

also to know the cord on the song you want

for guitar pro, you can download at here

to get the guitar pro tab you want, click here
salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kemampuan anda dalam bermain gitar bahkan bagi pemula pun anda bisa mempelajarinya dengan cepat dengan menggunakan guitar pro...

juga untuk mengetahui cord pada lagu yang anda inginkan

untuk memperoleh guitar pro anda bisa mendownload di sini

 untuk mendapatkan tab guitar pro yang anda inginkan, klik di sini